Preface Aparna has been asking me to write a blog about working abroad post graduation and I’ve been putting it off for long enough to write a short book… So I’m prefacing this post. The first part is about living abroad – challenges, tips, etc.  The second part is about my job – what do […]

Last Saturday started our week long summer break from work (not bad, one week off in ten!). Clara (an intern at Chintan from D.C.), Laura, and I decided after much debate to go to Rishikesh in the state of Uttarakhand. Rishikesh is situated along …

After the second week, my project was solidified. I’m working with another intern who is from just outside of Delhi (near Gaziabad) named Sadhvi. Sadhvi and I spent the week researching e-waste and creating a survey to conduct on the informal sect…

Laura and I both arrived safely in Delhi and met up on Sunday to go to our home stay. Our first week with Chintan has been an orientation to the NGO and its projects. The first day we met with one of the women in charge of the Human Resources depa…