Refraction (noun) – Physics: A change in direction of a ray as it passes through a different medium. Refraction (noun) – Optometry: The process of testing ones eyes for defects and abnormalities.   Since my arrival back in the States, and subsequently my resettling into university life, I have been pressed to provide countless summaries […]

Since my time in India has come to a close and I have finally amassed the necessary internet connection, health, rest, and photo archive, I can now begin to clear my backlog of writing. I think it’s prudent to start by sharing what how I spent my time in India. Apologies in advance for the […]

Despite the frequent warnings that India operates in a constant state of controlled chaos, I was not prepared for my first few days in India—and I’m not sure if anyone can ever be. For the last several days I have been exploring Northern India with fellow CASI intern Piotr. Our journey began in Bombay, where […]