My choice of clothing for working at the hospital was something that I was unsure about as I was packing. Our handbook recommended a regular business casual outfit, but even then I was hesitant about appearing disrespectful by underdressing. I prepared my suitcase with black dress shoes, a few different pairs of khakis and slacks, […]

My last week at Aravind was by far the most hectic out of the ten when I was there. Even my last day ended with an afternoon and evening spent in the records department; desperately scouring for the occupation of certain patients through hurried scribbles and misplaced files. Although I had the chance to say […]

After surveying 107 patients and sitting down to sift through an excel sheet that seemed to stretch like a desert, I’ve discovered the obvious. Patients that make less money, patients that are less educated, and patients that don’t speak English (attributes correlated with one another) all are less knowledgeable about their disease in the glaucoma […]

Something this internship has made me question is what exactly makes someone passionate. When someone truly loves their work, and comes away each day with a sense of fulfillment, what is driving that passion?   At first I thought about friends who are artists, who spend hours pouring their hearts into a piece of art […]

Hello! My name is Thomas Uhler, and I decided that moving 500 miles away for my first year of college wasn’t adventurous enough, so I’m going to India for the summer. I’m a rising sophomore (Class of 2019) in the Life Sciences and Management program, studying biology with a minor in chemistry from the College of […]