This past weekend, I decided to venture off on my own to explore Bangalore’s science (Visvesvaraya Industrial & Technological Museum), history (Karnataka Government Museum) modern art museum (National Gallery of Modern Art), and planetarium (Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium). With Bangalore traffic this journey took about an hour to reach the heart of the city where all […]

Pictured LtoR Lavanya, Anant N.,Anant A., Lawrence, Josh, Gabby, Raisa and Chitra It’s hard to that I have been in India a little over a month now. It’s been a whirlwind of an experience working with Shahi. The first weeks have been spending time familiarizing with the interworking of Shahi. We have been exposed to […]

If I could go back and talk to myself as an incoming freshman and recap some of my experiences these past years Penn a lot of those experiences would seem expected. The opportunity to work on a presidential campaign, attend the DNC, and spend a semester “abroad” working in our nation’s capital through the Penn […]